Cet appareil se connecte à Internet
Fonctionnalités Réseau / Internet :
IPTVVidéo : YouTube, Vuze, Revision 3, Videocast, CNET TV, Mediafly, Veoh, Mevio, Bliptv, Break Podcast, CBS Evening News, CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Daily, CNN The Larry King Podcast, NBC Today Show, The CNN Daily, CNN In Case You Missed It, NBC Nightly News, NBC Meet The Press, CBS Face the Nation, Podfinder UK, Motorz
Audio : Jamendo, iPodcast, BBC Podcast, Indiefeed, CNN News, ABC News
Photos : Flickr, Picasaweb, Pikeo, 23, Photobucket, SmugMug
Peer-to-peer TV : SayaTV
Internet Radio : Radiobox, Live365 Radio
RSS feed : Yahoo! (Weather / News / Traffic Alerts), NMT Forum, Bloglines, Cinecast, MSNBC News, Traffice Condition, Weather Bug
Avis et Notes du POPCORN HOUR C-200 BD+ (sans DD)
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chez les marchands partenaires.
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